To many (especially young) Austrians in the post-war era this signation indicated that they had tuned their radio dials correctly to receive the service of the Blue Danube Network (BDN).
The USFA, (United States Forces in Austria) operated in Austria with its broadcasting stations in Salzburg, Wien, Linz, Innsbruck, St. Johann, Zell am See and Tulln. However, soon after it had started operation, it became very popular among the (civilian) Austrian audience also – accompanying people from the time they got up in the morning until they went to bed again late in the evening.
The new and fresh way the program was presented here was very well perceived – especially after the Nazi years it provided a whole new “feeling” of radio listening which was considered decadent before and it introduced the Austrian audience to music they had not yet been allowed to listen.
The intention of this page is to provide memories to the former (post-)war generation on the one hand and to build a bridge to our generation today, conveying how BDN influenced the life of our (grand-)parents then on the other hand.
Any information provided on this site are based on long lasting, private research resulting from news articles, stories told from witnesses and still existing records and tapes but are far from being complete. So if you have any further information regarding the Blue Danube Network you are more than welcome to join in and share your information with us. Just write us an email: info[at]bluedanubenetwork.at
At this point we would especially like to thank Mr. Felix Dillmann for his great support in making this site happen. Without his assistance this site would not exist in the current way.