31 entries.
Hello. I would be very interested to hear from anyone who had more information on the WOFA station in Vienna, housed in the former house of Anthony van Hoboken and located at Schreiberweg 45/47, Vienna 19. I am researching the architecture of Heinrich Kulka, who was an employee and later partner of Adolf Loos. I believe that a house on this site dating from around 1937 was by Kulka.
Ich habe schon lรคnger nicht auf eure Website geschaut, erst die letzte Mail vom 31.10. hat mich wieder dran erinnert. Mein Eindruck: es ist unglaublich, was ihr da in der Zwischenzeit alles an Infos zusammengetragen habt. Man merkt, wieviel Zeit und Mรผhe dahinter steckt, nicht zuletzt auch im neuen Layout! Danke!
From Allan MacQuoids comments on this site I learned : โAt BDN Salzburg we could take meals from our own kitchen, a local gasthaus, Camp Roeder or sneaking into the โK-hausโ. Is anybody out there who remembers more about life at "Kavalierhaus" (K-haus) during USFA headquarters in Klessheim? Any story and/or photo is appreciated. I was hotel-manager at K-haus in 1975 through 1986 and am working on a book of the history of Kavalierhaus. Thank you for emailing me to harald-neu@aon.at. Harald.
Hello everybody and greetings from Salzburg-Klessheim (Austria). I worked as Hotel-Manager for Kavalierhaus Schloss Klessheim from 1975 to 1986. I am writing a book on some of the history of Klessheim and found out, that the BDN (Blue Danube Network) was broadcasting from 1948 through 1955 from Klessheim. On this website I found two photos that I would like to publish in my book but could not get email address or linkt of the owners & operators of this homepage Stefan Orosz and Walter Orosz. Can anybody help? One photo I refer to shows Mikey Kaplan as DJ and the other one shows Paul Obluda interviewing Gene Kelly. Any other story about BDN station & studio Klessheim is appreciated. Thank you. Harald Neumayr. Nov.05.2021
Leider habe ich eure wunderbare Dokumentation viel zu spรคt entdeckt und genossen. Leider verlangen die Tonbeispiele den Adobe Flash Player. Der Support wird mit Ende des Jahres 2020 eingestellt, das wรคre ja nicht so schlimm, aber in der letzten nachricht von Adobe, die mich immer wieder affordert den Falsh Paler zu deinstallieren, wurde geschrieben, dass der Flash Player ab 12. Jรคnner 2021 unrettbar blockert wird und das ist schade. ich hoffe ihr habt eine Lรถsung. Ein einfacher mp3 downlo