31 entries.
You have done a wonderful job on this website.
My father, Ted Radamaker, who died in 2013, was assistant news editor at BDN in Vienna from April to September 1946.
I have dozens of photographs made by him at that time of the station itself and many of the personnel, which I would be glad to provide to you for use on this site.
Let me know if you are interested. Dallis
My father, Ted Radamaker, who died in 2013, was assistant news editor at BDN in Vienna from April to September 1946.
I have dozens of photographs made by him at that time of the station itself and many of the personnel, which I would be glad to provide to you for use on this site.
Let me know if you are interested. Dallis
My grandfather was a DJ/Station manager at KOFA Linz during the war. His name was Joseph Welsh. My Oma has an original newsletter from the station that I will copy and send to the website. It features my grandfather on the front working at the station. My Oma has also mentioned their friendship with Bud Miller while at the station. I hope many of you will find this interesting and also that his history with the station can be added to the website.
Joe and Elfriede Welsh are the couple at the centre of the photo showing men at the station bar.
Joe Welsh putting the record on.
Joe and Elfriede Welsh are the couple at the centre of the photo showing men at the station bar.
Joe Welsh putting the record on.
Very interesting.
I was stationed at BDN Salzburg and BDN St. Johann i.P from December 1954 until the closing in October 1955.
As a young soldier I was very fortunate to have made many Austrian friends. I am proud to say that I still return to Salzurg to visit them.
Alan MacQuoid
I was stationed at BDN Salzburg and BDN St. Johann i.P from December 1954 until the closing in October 1955.
As a young soldier I was very fortunate to have made many Austrian friends. I am proud to say that I still return to Salzurg to visit them.
Alan MacQuoid
You did a great job! I have a LOT of the original AFRS ETS (1943-96) let me know if I can help.
Best wishes
Thom Whetston
AFKN 1976-77
SCN 1980-83
Best wishes
Thom Whetston
AFKN 1976-77
SCN 1980-83
hallo herr orosz, wieder hat mich ein zufall zu ihnen gebracht. der erste war die 10 jahresfeier im rathaus. wir haben uns dann auch noch spรคter einmal getroffen und ich habe cd s von ihnen bekommen. bdn war mein sprachlehrer. spรคter war ich fan von afn munich. (bundesheer im ehemaligen camp roeder und flugsicherungskurs in mรผnchen) hillbilly rise and shine hillbilly jubillee time five string concert lucheon in munchen bouncing in bavaria usw usf.... und gestern hab ich mir die aufzeichnun